In 2018, the Fairfax County Department of Planning and Development Community Revitalization Section (DPD CRS) and the Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) embarked on an engagement process to solicit community input on the vision for a new, innovative community gathering space in downtown Annandale.
Project Site and Background
Located at 7200 Columbia Pike in the heart of the Annandale Community Business Center (CBC) and Commercial Revitalization District (CRD), the Annandale Civic Space (now the Eileen Garnet Civic Space) was developed on county-owned property is a former elementary school. Currently, the buildings and a portion of the grounds are licensed to a community non-profit for the purpose of operating a childcare center. The Annandale Civic Space takes up the remaining portion of the property (less than one acre). This was the ideal site for this project for several reasons including the County’s ownership of the property, the long-term community vision for the CBC/CRD, and community support.
Annandale Civic Space Design
This initiative was launched in May 2018 and evolved with community input and the identification of additional opportunities and/or constraints. In the fall of 2018, community members were given the opportunity to provide input on two draft design concepts. County staff took the preference input provided and refined the design over the winter and spring of 2018/2019 into a final design vision.
The vision consists of approximately four distinct areas:
Parking Lot Expansion Area for pop-up programming
Civic Plaza
Educational Garden
Great Lawn
The design converts the property’s existing underutilized open space into a more functional community space for public enjoyment. The design includes the installation of a new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible path to the space, while providing a connection from Daniels Avenue to Columbia Pike.
Community Engagement
Hosted a "demonstration park" for community input on vision, design and programming activities, and hosted an online survey for input. The input received was used to help inform the draft design concepts.
Community Engagement
Hosted a "demonstration park" for community input regarding a preference on two draft concepts, and hosted an online survey for input. The input received was used to help inform the final design concept.
Pop-Up Programming Series
Hosted a “pop-up” programming and installed a creative temporary community gathering space on the site for community enjoyment from June through October 2019.
Note: This community meeting was conducted in English and included live Spanish interpretation from a translator.
The recording also has the option to auto-translate the captions into multiple languages under the settings button.
Grant Funding
Applied for grant funding for the project.
Rough Grading Plan Submission
Submitted the engineering RGP for review by the County. The review resulted in a few additional tweaks to the park design related to trees and landscaping.
Construction Documents
Created the construction documents for the project.
Project construction began in late March 2023.
The total capital cost of the project is approximately $700,000. Financing is from a mixture of funding sources, including an Environmental Improvement Program grant, Economic Opportunity Reserve funds, Mason District Revitalization funds and discretionary funds contributed by Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross’s office.
Park Opening
A grand opening event was hosted on Saturday, October 21, 2023.
A second phase of park improvements is anticipated to occur in 2024. More information will be shared once the scope of work and timeline is finalized.
Fairfax County and the Fairfax County Park Authority are pleased to announce the grand opening of the Eileen Garnett Civic Space, formerly the Annandale Civic Space. The Civic Space is named in honor of Eileen Garnett, a longtime friend of Annandale and passionate voice for community revitalization who was also supportive of the park’s development.