Bailey's Crossroads and Seven Corners CRD

Studies and Documents

This studies and documents page for the Bailey's Crossroads and Seven Corners Commercial Revitalization District contains recent documents relevant to the district created or authorized by the Community Revitalization Section of the Department of Planning and Development (formerly the Office of Community Revitalization; OCR). Additional documents for the district are available from other county departments and can be found on the main Fairfax County website.

Bailey's Crossroads Streetscape Revitalization Plan

Seven Corners Study Area: Existing Conditions Report; 2013

Commercial Redevelopment Plan: Bailey's Crossroads and Seven Corners Revitalization Areas 1997

The report has three main components. The first is an assessment of the existing conditions and identificationof barriers to investment and development, second is a discussion of community preferences and development/redevelopment alternatives, and third, is identification of public and private resources, recommendations and implementation plan.

Volume II Bailey's Crossroads and Seven Corners Urban Design Guidelines

The District Guidelines apply to development proposals for all properties located within the boundaries of the Baileys Crossroads and Seven Corners CRD. They are intended to be used as a complement to the Comprehensve Plan by citizens, developers, land owners, designers, Fairfax County staff, the Fairfax County Planning Commission, and the Board of Supervisors when either proposing, designing…

Higher Density Facts and Myths

Unfortunately, in too many communities higher-density mixed-use development is difficult to construct because of zoning and building codes that favor low-density development with segregated uses and because of opposition from the community. This publication looks at several myths surrounding higher-density development and attempts to dispel them with facts to help dismantle the many barriers…

Summary of Outreach for Bailey's Crossroads and Seven Corners Urban Design Guidelines

Volume II: Baileys Crossroads and Seven Corners Urban Design Guidelines–Recap of community engagement activities and revisions to the document based on stakeholder feedback.

Southeast Quadrant of the Bailey's Crossroads CRD

Report on the Southeast Quadrant of the Bailey's Crossroads Commercial Revitalization District Implementation Strategies and Revitalization Opportunities prepared by Basile Baumann Prost & Associates in 2005.

Columbia Pike Transit Initiative: Return on Investment Study 2012

The Return on Investment (ROI) Study gathered information through a variety of means, including review and analysis of literature describing how transit investment affects economies, direct analysis of the corridor through analysis of data and planning documents, and interviews with developers and key stakeholders.

Columbia Pike Transit Initiative: Executive Summary

Executive summary of the Alternatives Analysis and Environmental Assessment for the Columbia Pike Transit Initiative.

Bailey's Crossaroads Virginia: An Advisory Services Panel Report; ULI. 2006

Urban Land Institute (ULI) advisory panel report for Bailey's Crossroads based on site visits, interviews, and presentations made from December 3-8, 2006.

Transforming Bailey's Crossroads Presentation 2006

Presentation made by the Advisory Services Panel of the Urban Land Institute in December 2006.

Bailey's Crossroads Revitalization: Results of the February 4, 2006 Design Charrette

This report presents the results of a community design charrette conducted by The Perspectives Group on behalf of the Fairfax County Office of Revitalization on February 4, 2006. The charrette was held at St. Katherine’s Greek Orthodox Church in Falls Church, Virginia. Thirty-nine area residents, business people, landowners, and county staff participated.

Seven Corners 2014 Master Site Plan Draft

Map of the Seven Corners 2014 draft master site plan.

Seven Corners Area Visioning Workshop 2 Feedback

Feedback from the Seven Corners Visioning Workshop 2 held June 18, 2012.

Seven Corners Visioning Worshop 2 Flyer

Flyer for the Seven Corners Visioning Workshop held June 18th, 2012.

Seven Corners Visioning Workshop 2

Presentation made at the Seven Corners Visioning Workshop 2; June 18, 2012.

Seven Corners Visioning Workshop Presentation

Presentation made at the Seven Corners Visioning Workshop on May 21, 2012

Seven Corners Community Visioning Workshop

Seven Corners Community Visioning Workshop I flyer for May 21, 2012 in English, Arabic, Spanish, and Korean.

Master Summary - Seven Corners Workshop I; May 21, 2012

Master summary of the Seven Corners Workshop I conducted on May 21, 2012

Executive Summary - Seven Corners Workshop I

Summary of the Seven Corners Workshop conducted on May 21, 2012.

Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Seven Corners


Summary flyer for 2015 Seven Corners Comprehensive Plan Amendment.