The Lake Anne Economic Visioning Study was an effort to create an economic vision for the Lake Anne Commercial Revitalization Area. Hunter Mill District Supervisor Alcorn initiated a study to form a consensus around an economic vision for the Lake Anne Community Revitalization Area. Both the Supervisor and county staff had no preconceived ideas about specific outcomes, but hoped for a vision that combined an understanding of the local market with the interests of the Lake Anne community. The goal was to develop a market appropriate, aspirational economic vision that builds on the historic and unique characteristics of the Lake Anne area.
Phase One of the Economic Visioning Study for the Lake Anne Commercial Revitalization Area (CRA) successfully concluded in the summer of 2023. This phase included a series of focus groups, an online survey, and several in-person workshops, conducted by the county and consultant StreetSense. The outcome of this community engagement is substantial alignment among community members on an economic vision that is both aspirational and grounded in market realities.
Phase Two of the Economic Visioning Study began in August 2023, and included an assessment of individual property owners’ interests and willingness to partner on implementing the vision. The findings of Phase Two helped shape the scope of work for the third phase of the Economic Visioning Study.
In February 2024, Fairfax County and consultant Streetsense began Phase III of the Lake Anne Economic Visioning Study, which investigated the economic feasibility of various options that were proposed with engagement during Phases I and II. The Lake Anne Economic Visioning Study is now complete. The Community Revitalization Section, in collaboration with the consultant Streetsense, is launching a new Lake Anne Wayfinding Strategy Study.