Placemaking is Part of Route 1's Future

An Urban Land Institute Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) was held to explore the potential for adding placemaking opportunities along Richmond Highway. The panel, comprised of local artists and land use and design professionals, was organized by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Washington in partnership with the Southeast Fairfax Development Corporation (SFDC) and CRS. It identified key locations along the southern portion of the Richmond Highway Corridor for public art, visual improvements, and community building. The panel proposed specific placemaking options, such as an outdoor entertainment space, a pop-up park, and a community garden. They emphasized the need for increased trees because the current canopy is significantly lower than the county average. SFDC Executive Director Evan Kaufman highlighted the importance of placemaking for business development and economic vitality. SFDC aims to manage the recommended smaller projects within its budget and will seek grants for the larger initiatives, all while collaborating with the community to realize these placemaking visions.