Richmond Highway CRD

Studies and Documents

This studies and documents page for the Richmond Highway Commercial Revitalization District contains recent documents relevant to the district created or authorized by the Community Revitalization Section of the Department of Planning and Development (formerly the Office of Community Revitalization; OCR). Additional documents for the district are available from other county departments and can be found on the main Fairfax County website.

Placemaking is Part of Route 1's Future

An Urban Land Institute Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) was held to explore the potential for adding placemaking opportunities along Richmond Highway. The panel, comprised of local artists and land use and design professionals, was organized by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Washington in partnership with the Southeast Fairfax Development Corporation (SFDC) and CRS. It identified key locations…

Draft: Volume II Richmond Highway District Design Guidelines

The Design Guidelines serve as companion documents to the Fairfax County Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan describes desired land uses and levels of intensity of development and provides general guidance on built form and open space. The Design Guidelines provide detailed guidance regarding the desired character of the built environment, including site design, building massing, and the…

Revitalizing the Richmond Highway Corridor to Attract Office Development Report

Seeking an outside perspective on how to continue the revitalization of the Richmond Highway Corridor, possibly by attracting more office development, the Fairfax County Department of Housing and Community Development, with input from the Fairfax County Department of Planning and Zoning, invited ULI Washington to convene a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) on October 5–6, 2005. The 11-member…

Presentation: Revitalization of the Richmond Highway Corridor to Include Office Development 2005

Presentation of the Urban Land Institute Technical Assistance Panels results from the Revitalizing the Richmond Highway Corridor to Attract Office Development Document from October 2005.

Staying Power: The Future of Lodging and Hospitality on the Richmond Highway Corridor

Revitalization Analysis for Richmond Highway 1997

Penn Daw Market Feasibility Analysis 2011

The Penn Daw Special Study originated from deferred Area Plan Review (APR) nomination 09IV‐22MV. The APR nomination proposed to replan an 11‐acre portion of the study area for residential, retail, and/or office uses at an intensity of up to 1.5 floor‐area ratio (FAR). The land area of the study was expanded by the Board of Supervisors to approximately 17.25 acres to include adjacent property…

Richmond Highway Facade Improvement Program Grant Guidelines

Embark Richmond Highway Fact Sheet

Route 1 Corridor Study; Final Report 1997

Richmond Highway Charrette Comments December 8th 2018