Located in the heart of Reston, the 44.12 Acre Lake Anne Village Center Commercial Revitalization Area (CRA) sits only 8 miles from both bustling Tysons Corner to the east and Dulles International Airport to the west. As one of the first areas developed within Reston the Washington Plaza area adjacent to Lake Anne holds historic designations from Fairfax County, the Virginia Board of Historic Resources, and National Park Service.
Since its establishment as a CRA in 1998 Fairfax County has invested significant time and resources toward stimulating reinvestment and revitalization. These investments; purchase of the Crescent Apartments, adoption of Comprehensive Plan amendments, and implementation of the Commercial Reinvestment Plan have encouraged a wider mix of businesses to call Lake Anne home including new restaurants and retail offerings. Fairfax Counties commitment to redevelopment of the Crescent Apartments as a vital affordable housing resource will position Lake Anne as a thriving mixed-use area, attracting new residents, while also enhancing the historic and architectural quality of the Washington Plaza.